The Four P’s
/I know some of you are asking how can you glorify Him during this tribulation period in your life? Well the only way to glorify God during such a time is to first know that "All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28) If you believe this, then you will not lean on your own understanding of this matter and you will trust God, knowing and believing one of His promises that says, I will never leave you nor forsake you. This is one of His promises He gave to us , and I know that He cannot lie. So in trusting God, I have relied on these 4 P's to get me through my difficult times and they are as follows: PRAY: I continuously pray to seek God's guidance and I seek out other prayer warriors to help me pray when I know I'm getting weak under this pressure I'm facing. PRAISE: I have learned to always praise God for who He is and for what He has been to me in the past. I know that God inhabits the praise of His people and I lift my voice and praise Him through songs and by reading His Word. His Word can be from the Bible or a devotional reading. PERSEVERE: No matter what, I am going to keep going. I'm going to keep serving Him. I don't believe in going and sitting in a corner and having a pity party. No way! You see because the Lord has been good to me in my past, present and future. I know that this too will pass, so I must keep going, no matter what He has allowed to enter into my space.
Romans 5:3-4
“And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope:”
Another thing you must know is that what you are going through at this time or any other time is because God has allowed it to be. So you must ask yourself, what does He want me to learn from this tribulation period? Sometimes He wants you to use your experience to encourage others who's faith is weak. Sometimes He wants you to grow in your faith or just trust Him more. Whatever He wants you to learn, you must remember His Word that says He will NOT put more on you than you can bear. You might not think so, but remember I said earlier do not lean on your own understanding, God's ways and what He allows is not our ways or what we think we can handle. PATIENCE: Being patient is the hardest for me because I want things to make a turn around quickly in my life, but God says no Kim, I need you to endure a little longer. Sometimes we find ourselves in a tribulation period longer because instead of depending on the Lord, we put our imperfect hands in it and mess things up worser than it was in the beginning. Please remember that God's timing is not our timing but it is the best timing. I will close by saying the biggest thing that you must do in this period in your life is to TRUST HIM, be patient and see the Salvation of the Lord.
Be blessed!