Our Father’s Business
/“It’s time to stop playing church and become the true church of God. His word is clear and it will never change. It is time to be about our Father’s business while we are on this side of Heaven.”
Read More“It’s time to stop playing church and become the true church of God. His word is clear and it will never change. It is time to be about our Father’s business while we are on this side of Heaven.”
Read More“The word of God is immovable. The word of God is unchangeable. The word of God is refreshing. The word of God will renew the right spirit in you. The word of God will make you whole again. The word of God will…”
Read More“When you serve the Lord and offer your talents to Him, if you look for man to say thank you or give you a pat on the back, then you can become discouraged and unmotivated to serve anymore. But if you are truly sincere about your service unto the Lord, then His reward for you will be better than you could ever imagine.”
Read More“God showed us His love when He gave His Son. His Son showed us His love when He laid down His life and rose up with all power in His hands! Now this is love to the the greatest degree. The word of God didn’t ask us to show love by giving our life for one another, but it does ask us to to love one another as He loves us.”
Read More“There’s a song by the Winans that says
“Ain't no need to worry, what the night is gonna bring, it'll be all over in the morning. Makes no different how dark the night, if you trust in God, it'll be alright…”
“I love this song because I know for a fact that if I stay the course and be unmovable and in the word of God, it’s going to be alright.”
Read More“One thing is for sure and that is that you cannot beat God’s giving. So if that is the truth, then why are you being stingy with what He has given you. There are people I know with a multitude of talent, but they choose to sow sparingly. Truly God has gifted them with some amazing abilities but they choose to do nothing with what He has given them.”
Read More“The word today says if you take one step toward the Savior, He will take 2 steps toward you. If you really want Him, then surrender your life to Him and His will for your life. He is standing at the door of your heart waiting on you to make the first step toward Him.”
Read More“Are you truly seeking the Lord in your life? Do you truly want His Guidance? Do you truly want His Wisdom? If the answer is yes, then SEEK Him, which means call Him in prayer and He will be there for you.”
Read More“When Christ saved you, He wanted you to spread His good news to others. That’s why Matthew 28:19 says, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” This scripture says it all. This scripture sets the tone for our purpose while here in this sinful world.“
Read More“What are you worried about when you have declared your alliance to the Lord God Almighty? Don’t let the enemy get you down, but show Him whose side you are on by lifting your voice in praise to the King of kings. Lift up your voice and sing unto the Lord His greatness; for He has done marvelous things in your life.”
Read More“Who do you depend on to handle your issues? Is it you? Is it Oprah? Is it your spouse? Who? Who it should be is the Great Lord Almighty! He is the one who can keep you. He is the one who can strengthen you. He is the one who can make all things new.”
Read More“Everything has it’s own time. The bible states there is a purpose for all things, and many times we don’t understand or know why. Is it important that we know why God does what He does? Is it important to know why He allows certain storms in our lives? I say no it is not. The Word of God also says that His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways, and because of this word, it is not important that you know why, but it is important that you learn, gain and cherish what He has allowed to transpire in your life. “
Read More“Here is another truth! The truth is if any man be in Christ, He is a new creature, old habits will soon pass away and new habits will come to be that exemplify God and the things He likes. If you want a changed life, then you must give up your old way of doing things in the flesh and rely on the Savior that can save you from you…”
Read More“People all over the world talking about speak your truth or their rights, but if the same emphasis was placed on the real truth, people would find out that those who accept Christ as the Savior have inherited the Kingdom of God, in fact God has given you the right to speak His truth.”
Read More“Amen to the word of God today! We have too many Christians who claim the Master with their lips but dismiss Him in their everyday life. The question today is how can you pray to the Savior for guidance and favor but live a life that is totally contrast to His will? Believe it or not, we have many people doing this everyday.”
Read More“When I think about this time of year, it is a symbolic month when we received the Savior of the world. This month symbolizes when Jesus took on the flesh of man to introduce Himself to man. He came with a purpose and fulfilled His purpose. Now we have a choice to receive Him and all His Glory or reject Him.”
Read More“Do you know what Emmanuel means? It means God with us. God sent His only Son to this earth to let us know that He is always with us.“
Read More“It has always been said that it is more blessed to give than to receive but do you believe this statement in your heart? I’m beginning to think that people like the latter part of this statement that says “receive.” Don’t get me wrong, I love to receive too, but I’ve learned that being able to give is so rewarding. My blessings come through my giving, my peace comes through my giving…”
Read More“If you are truly unashamed of the Gospel of God, then can the people that run in your circle tell whose side you are on or are you sending out mixed signals? This is the same Gospel Christ was talking about in Matthew 28: 18-20.”
Read More“When we go through storms, it is not the time to withdraw from God, but a time to draw closer to Him. It amazes me to see saints going through difficult times and looking defeated. They look like they don't know who the Savior is even though they have accepted Christ as their personal Savior. As a Christian, we should know that we are never alone. We should know that there is NOTHING too hard for God.”
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