His Glory

His Glory

“There’s a song by the Winans that says 

“Ain't no need to worry, what the night is gonna bring, it'll be all over in the morning. Makes no different how dark the night, if you trust in God, it'll be alright…”

“I love this song because I know for a fact that if I stay the course and be unmovable and in the word of God, it’s going to be alright.”

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Trusting What We Don't Understand

Trusting What We Don't Understand

“Everything has it’s own time. The bible states there is a purpose for all things, and many times we don’t understand or know why. Is it important that we know why God does what He does? Is it important to know why He allows certain storms in our lives? I say no it is not. The Word of God also says that His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways, and because of this word, it is not important that you know why, but it is important that you learn, gain and cherish what He has allowed to transpire in your life. “

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Become A Giver

Become A Giver

“It has always been said that it is more blessed to give than to receive but do you believe this statement in your heart? I’m beginning to think that people like the latter part of this statement that says “receive.” Don’t get me wrong, I love to receive too, but I’ve learned that being able to give is so rewarding. My blessings come through my giving, my peace comes through my giving…”

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Through the Storm

Through the Storm

“When we go through storms, it is not the time to withdraw from God, but a time to draw closer to Him. It amazes me to see saints going through difficult times and looking defeated. They look like they don't know who the Savior is even though they have accepted Christ as their personal Savior. As a Christian, we should know that we are never alone. We should know that there is NOTHING too hard for God.”

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